
Detailed research and pre-writing on religion and the net has led me to narrow down this broad topic to focus on the internet’s role on compilation of diverse Qur’anic tafsir (interpretations and commentary of Islam’s primary scripture). The arguments are leading to a proposal for a new methodology on compiling an extensive online exegesis of…

Read more Tafsir of the Qur’an

For my paper, I’ve been looking at tagging on sites like and Flickr.  Lots of interesting design opportunities here (e.g. vocabulary problems, identifying communities of practice, adapting to site navigation). One thing I found particularly interesting was how much you can learn about someone from their tag cloud (and how eager some people are…

Read more Tagging as Identity Construction

I have a final paper question that I had planned to discuss with Jeff in person, but I’ve decided to make it a blog post instead – just in case anyone else is struggling with the same question. Topically, my paper seeks to analyze the editor UI’s of three popular 3D modeling programs (3dsmax, Maya…

Read more Lots & Lots of Picutres

I’m pre-writing my final paper today and after reading the assignment I wondered if perhaps Jeff couldn’t post a link to the template you would like us to use. I’m kind of assuming that the CHI format you are talking about is the landscape one with two columns and the third row for callouts and…

Read more Template for final paper

Goffman’s Presentation of Self in Everyday Life was published in 1959 with the intent of establishing a description of meaning in social interaction.  Goffman said that people present an “idealized” version of themselves in public (front stage).  People present more consistent versions of themselves to coincide with norms and societal laws.  When not in public…

Read more My Paper: Goffman’s Presentation of Self and YouTube

I *believe* I have responded to all of the paper topics that have appeared on this blog. However, please don’t hesitate to ask for (further) feedback if any of the following apply: I didn’t actually respond to your post on your paper topic (d’oh!). You have since iterated on your topic, have some new thoughts,…

Read more Papers and Feedback